Setting up Location Detection on Android

Make sure that the application is updated to the latest version 2.0.66. The version is visible on the application's home screen. If it is not updated, end the current session, unload all reports from the queue and reinstall the application

Go to Device settings → Location → Make sure «Location» is enabled

Go to Device settings → Location → Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning → Make sure that «Wi-Fi scanning» and «Bluetooth scanning» are enabled (if available)

Go to Device settings → Location → Google location accuracy → Make sure that «Improve location accuracy» is enabled (if available)

Go to Device settings → Wi-Fi. Make sure that Wi-Fi is turned on. It is not necessary to connect to Wi-Fi

Go to Device settings → Bluetooth. Make sure Bluetooth is enabled. It is not necessary to connect to Bluetooth

Go to the Device settings → Apps → App Management → Find EasyMerch > Permissions → Location → select «Allow in any mode» (if there is no such option, select «Allow only while using the app»)

Here, make sure that «Use precise location» is enabled (if available)

Go to the Device settings → Apps → App management → Find EasyMerch → Permissions → Make sure that «Pause app activity if unused» is turned off (if available)

Go to the Device settings → Apps → App management → Find EasyMerch → Battery Usage → Make sure that «Allow foreground activity» and «Allow background activity» are enabled (if available)

Go to the Device settings → Apps → App management → Find EasyMerch → Data usage → Make sure that «Disable mobile data» and «Disable Wi-Fi» are turned off (if available)

Here, make sure that «Background data» is enabled (if available)

Go to Device settings → Battery → Power saving mode → Make sure that «Power saving mode» and «Turn on at the specified battery level» are turned off (if available)

Restart EasyMerch. Wait for the status on the home screen «Data refreshed, you can work», then check the location

If the problem with location determination is not solved, please send a video to technical support, which shows that all the recommendations have been followed, but the location is still not determined or determined with low accuracy