To begin your visit to the store, click «إبدء العمل» at the bottom of the screen on the main page of the EasyMerch app. After this, your خطة الزيارات will open.
In the window that opens, you can see all the stores that have been added to your خطة الزيارات. The number of stores from the plan is indicated at the top. The «Others» column indicates points that are tasks are set, and the «Unplanned» column indicates stores that are available to you on other days. In the Today column, respectively, there are stores from the plan for today.
When you click on All, the filters will change sequentially: stores from the plan for today; only visited stores; only unvisited stores; only stores for which tasks are assigned; current store (in which the visit is made).
You can also use filtering on this screen. It is saved after exiting the app.
When you click on the icon, the order of visits will be sorted by distance to the store from smallest to largest.
When you click on the icon, the order of visits will be sorted by time spent at the store from least to most.
When you click on the icon, the order of visits will be sorted by the date of your last visit to the store.
Also, when you click on the icon , you can see the location of stores and your own on the map.
Here, too, you can use filtering for more convenient navigation on the map.
Having selected a store, depending on your server, sets of reports and single reports may be available to you.
There may be standard set of reports for a store, which necessarily begins with a Check-in report and ends with a Check-out report. In between, other reports are filled out, such as an availability report, a local promotion report, a problem report, a photo report, etc.
Here you can also see information about the store: name of the chain, address of the store, ID and code of the store. The distance to the store will be indicated below, as well as the determination method - GPS or TRI.
If the distance in the application differs from the actual one, you can check its correctness by selecting Request GPS coordinate correction.
In the window that opens, you will see a map with your location and the mark of the store on the map.
Below in the window you will be asked questions to identify the reason for the incorrect distance. Based on the answers, options for solving the problem will be proposed. If the problem is that the store's label is not in the same location as the store, a request will be sent to adjust the coordinates.