Rules for photographing scenes for recognition

What is a scene?

A scene consists of one or more photos

Each subsequent photograph is overlapping the previous one.

Method of photography

The scene is a set of photographs by category, arranged in a strictly defined order.

Photo overlap

Photos in the scene are taken with overlap.

Overlapping area is the area of ​​the current photo that has common facings with the neighbouring photo

Rules of photography

1. Distance to the shelf should be 1-2 meters

2. Take photos possibly at 90 degrees from the floor, facing the shelf

3. Take photos at a right angle, without tilting to the left or right

4. Do not take photos using landscape mode on your device

All these rules will help you create conditions for fulfilling the main recognition rule in general:

If a person can determine with the naked eye what kind of product is in the photo, then the neural network will be able to

Rules of photography

Take photos without storage shelves

A storage shelf is a lower or upper shelf for storing stock of goods without price tags.

Try to take clear, unblurred photos.

After taking the photo, double-check that the photo is not blurred.

Additional recommendations

Don't leave too much empty space at the top and bottom of the frame, it's better to take a closer photo

Filling out a report with neural recognition

Work with neural recognition is carried out at the stage of filling out the Report on availability with recognition

Filling out the report: Shelf Share

The report is divided into categories, for each of which you must first take a photo, then check for availability. Click on the camera icon opposite Scene 1, and the built-in camera will open. Take a photo of the scene according to the rules. If there are several points of sale, take several separate scenes.

After completing the photo shooting of scenes, the photos will be

sent to the server - cloud icon

then for recognition - eye icon

As soon as the eye icon in the lower right corner disappears, recognition is complete.

You can also scroll down to the end of the report to monitor the process. As soon as a number (number of faces) appears opposite each photo, recognition is complete.

To view the recognition results for each photo, click Details.

Without waiting for the recognition to complete, you can click the Calculate scenes button.

Clicking it will start the calculation of the shelf share. The actual calculation will only begin after the neural recognition is complete.

To monitor the process of calculating the share, scroll down to the end of the report. The scene ID will be displayed in the right column. The cell background will indicate the counting status.

• yellow - in progress

• green - done

• red - splicing error

After the counting is complete, return to the category. If all scenes are spliced, the result for the shelf share will be displayed.

If you need to re-shoot, first reset the results.

Optional: To view the merged scene and recognized products, you can click on Scene No.1

The merged scene and individual photos will be displayed.

The scene can be zoomed in, and photos can be opened to view the recognition results for a specific photo.

Scroll down the page to see the list of recognized products for the entire scene.

Tap a product line to expand the list of all its faces.

Tap a specific face to zoom in on it in the photo.

Filling out the report: availability

Based on recognition, the availability report is automatically filled in - products found in the photo are automatically marked as "in stock".

All data filled in automatically - availability and number of faces - can be adjusted manually.

Repeat the steps for all categories.

If any categories are presented on the same shelf, it must be photographed twice for each category.

Multi-line: one line

• Multi-linear is a way of shooting a scene that involves moving left to right along the shelf and photographing in lines from top to bottom.

• Take the first photo on the left side of the shelf.

• Then move to the right so that the last 3-5 faces of the previous photo are the first 3-5 faces of the next photo.

• Take as many photos as you need to fit the entire shelf.

Multi-line: two lines

• If the shelf does not fit in the frame in height, you need to shoot it in several lines.

• Take the first photo in the upper left part of the shelf.

• Then move to the right so that the last 3-5 faces of the previous photo are the first 3-5 faces in the next photo.

• Take as many photos as you need to fit the entire shelf in width. When the first line is shot, do not forget to press the button to go to the line down.

• Return to the beginning of the shelf and take a photo of the bottom of the shelf so that the bottom shelf from the previous photo becomes the top shelf in the next photo.

Multiline: multiple lines

• You can go down the line as many times as necessary

• The number of photos in the lines must match. If they do not match, the application will display an error


Take the first photo of the top shelves by clicking on the camera icon.

You can include as many shelves in the frame as the space of the outlet allows.

Once you take your first photo, a preview will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the preview and look at the photo to make sure it is not blurry.

To delete a photo, click on the red icon next to the preview. You can only delete the last photo.

To take a second photo, move to the right and take a photo with a 5-face overlap.

To quickly find the overlap location, use the hint at the top of the screen in the form of a semi-transparent previous photo, which is located flush with the camera screen (not overlapped)

Take as many photos as you need with 5 faces overlapping, moving horizontally to the right.

When the line is ready, click the down arrow to move to the next line down.

1. Confirm the transition to the next line. Go down and start shooting the second line, making an overlap of 1-2 shelves vertically, using the hints.

2. Shoot the second line multi-line according to all the rules multi-line: with an overlap of 5 faces horizontally and 1-2 shelves vertically. Use the hints:

3. Make any number of lines necessary for the scene.

When the scene is ready, click on the check mark.

4. Evaluate the entire scene, make sure all the rules are followed. The photos will be numbered in order.

You can retake any photo by clicking on the yellow icon under the photo.

To add another photo to the scene (at the end of the scene), click Take another photo.

5. To remove a photo from the scene at this stage, also click Take another photo and delete the last photo.

To delete all photos at once, click Delete all photos.

If the scene is ready, click Add.

How to make an overlap

The preview of the previous photo is not superimposed on the camera screen. It is located at the joint with the camera screen. You see it on the left (when moving horizontally) and at the top (when moving vertically).

You can see the edge of the previous photo and several faces on it. The number of faces from the previous photo that you will see depends on how close you are photographing. When shooting from afar, you can see 3-6 faces, when shooting close - 1-2. It does not matter.

What is important is that you should see on which face the previous photo ended. And in the next photo horizontally, capture this face and 4 faces to the left of it.

This way you will get an overlap of 5 faces.

Similarly, when moving vertically. The preview of the previous photo is located at the top, and you see its very bottom edge. Seeing where the previous photo ended, take the next one, observing the overlap of 1-2 shelves vertically.

The shelf is interrupted by a narrow column

If a long shelf in a category is interrupted by a narrow column, you can shoot the entire shelf in one scene.

Important! The column should always be somewhere in the center of the photo. That is, the overlap should be done not by the column, but by the facings.

Tracking the tilt angle of the device

When shooting scenes, you most often need to hold the device straight. A special sensor is used to track the tilt angle of the device. Its indicator is located on the camera screen.

The icon shows the tilt of your device forward, backward, left and right, changing accordingly.

When the maximum tilt angle (10 degrees) is exceeded, the background camera screen lights up yellow and photo shooting is blocked.

The shooting button becomes available again as soon as the tilt angle of the device returns to normal.

On some device models, the sensor may not work correctly and be very sensitive.

It is prohibited to change the sensitivity of the sensor programmatically. If an incorrectly functioning sensor interferes with your work, you can disable it

How to disable Picture taking lock

The lock on taking photos when the maximum tilt angle is exceeded can be disabled by clicking on the phone icon.

The background of the icon will turn red, meaning the ban will be disabled.

The tilt sensor will still work: the screen will light up yellow if the device is tilted too much in any direction.

But the ban on taking photos will be lifted.

How to turn the grid on and off

On the camera screen, tap the settings icon.

Tap the grid icon to turn the grid display on.

Tap again to turn it off.